Saw Voice!


Micra K11ng

Not posted in a while - how are we all?!

Need help. I've a fancy dress party to go to on Saturday and I've got the outfit of the freaky doll from the Saw films. To finish it off - I want to get some of the recordings that he makes through the film. All the stuff he gets his victims to do etc, but from the voice on the Dictaphone.

Help welcomed!!

Titch :kungfu:
You can buy a voicebox, I know, my mate went to the last fancy dress as Billy!

I'm not sure where though!


Long time no see btw!
Just say 'i want to play a game' in the deepest voice you can and everyone will get it. :)

The voice reminds me of Dr. Claw, inspector gadget's arch enemy in the cartoons lol.
yeh tbh it will be better if u try and do the voice yourself plus then u can say what u want. and use your imagination