saddam and other sentaced to death by hanging

hummmmm dunno, it will be filmed, if not tv, theres always google n youtube, i thought they phased hanging out aswell, just had chair n letal injection.
TBH i think it will be filmed. The arab nations want to see blood and to be honest so does half the world!

I have a feeling though if he does get hung they'll be a big uprising in attacks against anti-sadam supporters.
Its good news he's going to kick the bucket, but dont think iraq is any better since he's out of power, obv i dont live there so am basing my opinion on media coverage & news articles.
RO5, your thinking of the states, the rest of the world still uses the more traditional methods.

oh and its hanged not hung when talking about hanging a person.
if he really did kill all those millions of iraq citizens over the years then death by hanging is an easy way out for him. I think not letting him die but keep him behind bars for the rest of his life is better. (make him pick up some soaps) LOL
I think killing him will just make him a martyr and increase attacks on British/U.S. targets by sympathisers, it would be better in my opinion if he 'escaped':suspect: and was never seen again, . Having said that, it would have been better if he had just been sealed up in the hole the soldiers found him in and forgotten about.
The only thing is, for so long as he's alive there will be people commiting unspeakable acts to get him released, but by killing him they are making a martyr of him, so what do you do?

whoops we posted at the same time.
Should have left him in power, tyrant though he was. Give it a couple of years (after the Brits and Yanks have finished trashing the place and done a runner) I reckon there will be a Taliban dictatorship in Iraq that will make Saddam look like Mother Teresa...
Like a mother teresa? Look like a Stalin perhaps..........

Arnt they gonna put him on death row first? 10 or so years ...
No, when his appeal fails he'll be hanged within 30 days. So it'll happen within the next few months.
it wont add more attacks to the uk or the usa as they are not the ones doing his case its n iraqi person!! and they should just let him rott in jail, hanging is the easy and painless way out!!!
I can think of worse ways to die....................

but yeh, dont wanna be hanged. in fact. dont wanna die really but its pretty much guarenteed.
I can think of worse ways to die....................

but yeh, dont wanna be hanged. in fact. dont wanna die really but its pretty much guarenteed.

pretty much?......well you never know..what with all these "good bacteria" and nivia visage anti-aging creme's lol
*applies creame to vital areas*

i'm all sorted ;)

anyone want to go see the hanging live? i got popcorn!! :D