Rotten Arches - Replacement

My arches are very rotten and crumble when you lean on them.

I could, fibreglass them behind to re-enforce them,
If I cut the arches out, is there any arches that any of you guy can suggest that0 I can weld back on??
I remember seeing something about the old golf arches somewhere???

Or if you can think of any other solutions/past experiences, I am welcome to any ideas...
it was my local scrap yard that also deals in pattern panels

but i reckon most motor factors could get them or will know where to get them
I just bought two new wings, one patent part (£20 from Mangna car panels) and one from scrappers (£15), if your back ones ever go then sand em down to bare metal, cake em with rush treatment then build the outside with filler and the back with fiberglass. Mine is rock solid and rust free, yay.