QLDers: anyone found a anywhere which sells micra engines?


» CMF Member
Member since:
G'day chaps,

Just wondering if any of you QLD'ers have actually found someone in QLD who really does genuinely sell CG13DE's from japan with warrenty etc?

I see advertisments every now and again but when I call they reckon they don't do them? :-S

Poor charlotte's being given a pretty hard time lately and she's developed a few noises which are indicating an early retirement fund being created as we speak right now. Plus the KM are starting to build up and the timing chain is getting quite vocal - its actually quite embarrassing. I figure I may as well give her a fresh donk before something breaks in the current one and while i've got the gearbox out to replace the clutch and seals.

if i can't find anyone in QLD i guess i'll just have to go to an importer or from somewhere down south.




» CMF Member
Member since:
I haven't had much luck with finding anyone in qld. Most importers go "a nissan what, sorry mate its not a 180 or skyline, cant help you".

Would be good to know, just in case mine decides to scream enough.

Its funny, I was always convinced my timing chain was not long for this world. But the noise hasn't got any louder in 30,000kms.

I will keep my ear out for engines. If you find any tom let us know.

BTW tom, when do you want this fuel rail.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Mate I've got a satnav on the way so once I get that I'll make the trip down and see if it gets me utterly lost. :D

I've found a few wreckers who'll sell a micra engine but they usually don't want to say how many KM it has done. So a big birdie to them.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Uniparts Australia Pty Ltd
Phone: (08) 9351 9061
Address: 109 Ewing St Welshpool
Perth, WA, 6106

I was talkin to a guy that lived there, a week or so ago and he said that this company imported micra engines and had so many that he coould not get rid of them so if anyone wants to give him a call you should get one cheap i reckon.


» CMF Member
Member since:
BMI have one, unknown KM, 90 day warrenty, $800.

Hard to track down though. Uniparts has undergone a small takeover. Waiting for a call back from them right now.