PistonHeads.com: Average Speed Across Britain

Im suprised its taking so long, if it boiles down to tracking your every movement, it will happen. :down:
lol... yet ANOTHER (think that well over 300) reason im leaving this country.... in 2 months!!! hehehe cant wait!
i hate these things! Makes you add up and try and average so much that u end up going into the back of someone! grr
I'm busy learning Spanish, as soon as i've almost got it to a T i'm out of this country too.

I think the Gov't seem to do so many things week in week out that we get confused as to what we should be complaining about and as such we're completely powerless. As a people we can't seem to organise ourselves to refuse to do this that and the other. We're Taxed at such a high level and yet we still go out to work for a pitance, they say we earn this much and we say we earn that much, Food and Fuel is rising faster than ever before, we have more imports than exports, especially stuff arriving from China, more money is given away to other countries even though 'other' countries have more wealth than us. The Aircraft industry is given a subsidy when it should be spent on public transport but if you want to protest about all these things you have to ask for permission and are watched like Hawks and arrested if you show too much dissent.

Everyone is getting so paranoid we're getting to the stage where nobody trusts anyone. You can't walk down the street without being shouted at by someone you've never met, criminals are literally getting away with murder, they get let off for beating someone up for the umpteenth time....it's a crazy situation and one which will keep spiraling out of control unless the those in charge get a grip on reality.