Low Performance


» CMF Member
Hi Guys, I've got a Micra K11 2001 1000 CC and i got this problem & was wondering if anyone could provode an opinion....

As soon as i switch on the A/c while driving the performance in the car drops & even the pulling power drops ??

Has any come across this prob ??



» CMF Member
Member since:
larger cars you won't notice it as much or if at all, but on a 1000cc you definitely will, I notice it a bit in the 1.3l as well, you can mess with pullies etc, or there is a JayCar kit that turns the AC off when hard accelerating, bit of a DIY electrical kit, not sure if its available in Sri Lanka though they do do online shopping etc...

link is here:


» CMF Member
Member since:
Terry1981 WROTE:

"Hi Guys, I've got a Micra K11 2001 1000 CC and i got this problem & was wondering if anyone could provode an opinion....

As soon as i switch on the A/c while driving the performance in the car drops & even the pulling power drops ??

Has any come across this prob ??


gET your self a T88 turbo mount it in the boot to save space for the compressor, drill the Head and install a Direct Nitrous injection system...that'll solve your problem when you are losing power, when boost finally comes in that is...lol sorry im really bored. but yeah pretty much any car less than 2.5 displacement with decent kms will lose power with a/c on. although the CG13 is pretty good when using A/C if well looked after.


» CMF Member
Member since:
i suppose you could take off the air con belt to see what power is actually lost from the engine. i think the air con belt is not driving anything else. so you wouldn't lose any-other component. if that makes sense :)