LED ideas..


Ex. Club Member
Hi guys, I've got quite a few LEDs and just wondered if anyone had any ideas as to where to put these, I've already thought about the bottom of the doors as puddle lights, under the outside door handles and footwell.

Anyone got any thoughts for other places that might look good?

Thanks in advance :)
Don't go too mad is my advice, well not unless you hang around halfords car park alot.
Otherwise enhance what you have already got such as dial/heater lights.
I have changed those ones, I just want it to look a little better when I unlock the car or open the doors, ill probably stick to what I have planned, I just wondered if there was anywhere else people thought might look nice :) these will only be lit when the interia light is on :)
Don't go too mad is my advice, well not unless you hang around halfords car park alot.

Yeah, you don't want to end up on the Barryboys website :D.

led flood lights lighting is the most versatile of the lighting options available to the consumer today. LED lighting has a longer lifespan then a regular light bulb, having a burn lifetime between 25,000 -100,000 hours vs 1500 hours for a regular bulb. blue led strip lighting has a more expensive initial cost, but with the longevity so much more than standard bulbs combined with the durability, and the variety of uses available in LED lighting products, it makes LED lighting far more economical than the standard light bulb. It might also surprise people to know led panel
lighting is not just in standard household lighting but is used in stop lights, exit signs, construction signs, taillights of cars and trucks, and a variety of other ways.
Otherwise enhance what you have already got such as dial/heater lights.

How would you change these? I'd like to get blue LED's behind my dials but had trouble enough finding the standard light bulb to fit..?
urm basically you need to take the instrument cluster out to get to the bulbs, but make sure you disconnect the negative from the battery first.. urm on the back of the cluster there are about 5 black little plugs which are the bulb holders, to get them out you just twist them, once you have it out you just pull the bulb out and replace with the new ones and that should be all you need to change the colour of it :) is that of any help? :)
Apparently I don't have permission to view that page :(
Anyone know what the correct bulb size is? The ones in at the moment are 12v 1.2w is that the size?
I bought some LED lights in a package that included a cigarette car plug, and 1A fuse.. and the problem is the fuses kept blowing(like instantly every time I turn the LED lights on) after I cut and reconnected the wire.. I try to connect the wire straight to the battery with out any fuses and it works just fine, but I kinda worry that it might catch the LED lights on fire... so do I relly need a fuse for. LED lights? If I do then what kind? And why were fuses keep blowing after I reconnected the wire?

led strip
Flexible LED Strip Lights
high density led
urm well i have a fair few leds in my car and they are running off a 10amp fuse, best bet would be to wire them off the back of the cigarette lighter plug then if they do blow it will blow the fuse that the cigarette lighter is on but im sure it will be fine, try that?