janspeed backbox


Direct Detailing UK
janspeed backbox for sale

dont think its made specifically for a micra, told its universal though so should be able to fit with not much bother

Have you got any pics and what inch is the tailpipe?Have you heard what it sounds like?Cheers Ben
iv not heard it but i was told when i bought it that it was fairly loud and a nice deep sound.

im from sheffield and collection would be better

here is the pic

have u seen it on a micra...it doesnt look like it has the mounting brackets and where it joins the main pipe is different?
as said in the first place not specifically for a micra but universal

any garage should be able to fit it for you. just needs new pipe welding in place and you should be good to go

if the mounting brackets are wrong they will do them for u at the garage aswell