Important Warning



taken off a club im on,

Just got in to my computer and a Mass of Virus' have been picked up by my Firewall. The Virus come in the form of a file called funny.exe and is spread by MSN messenger. I know a **** load of people on here have it cos' you all tried to send it to me. The Virus automaticly sends it's self to everyone one your contacts list and seems to block msgs from people not effected by the virus. (I have tried to send msgs to people I know effect and they dont get them. Phone some people and confirm msgs I send the are not received)

For more info. Click Here
Am I glad I'm not using the standard MSN messenger :)

But peeps should have a good look at things like this, it spreads like mad.
Good thing it's not that harmful :)
Yeh, when will people start to recognise the big microsoft badge as being a magor warning sign? a bit like the ones you find on the good ol' husky chainsaw's that say not to atempt to stop the chain with your genitals. **sigh**
RE: RE: Important Warning

DoomPixie said:
Yeh, when will people start to recognise the big microsoft badge as being a magor warning sign? a bit like the ones you find on the good ol' husky chainsaw's that say not to atempt to stop the chain with your genitals. **sigh**

All software has its problems. At least MS have people that do something about it, and bring out security patches asap. You probably wouldnt be using a PC right now if it was for MS.....
i have updates downloading all the time on my pc. linux has just as much support as windows does. im just a die hard linux fan, was brought up on it and i cringe everytime i have to use a windows machine. once you get used to it linux is so much more powerfull. :) i can even run windows programs if i like, i have msn messenger running as i type, but thats only because none of the clones support webcam comunication.


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