HAHA must see!



Im sorry but this is one of the funniest things i have ever seen in my life. Ha Ha. You have to check the questions out its so funny:

Q: You support Newcastle. Nobody cares. Are you fat?
A: Let me guess...Liverpool Fan? I did'nt know scousers had electricity yet. Are you using the internet in the house you're currently burgling...?

Linkity Link

i find it funny as it is true, he was only appointed coz everyone else turned us down! I say Sam is the man but doubt it, thing is if he leaves they will only appoint another nobody - i think it is official, we have one of the best sets of players in England and yet we are one of the most unwanted teams in terms of management! Grrr - its more of a drama than a football team up here anyway
They need to be fit to play tho...
Let's face it, Newcastle are the perennial under-achievers of English football, bit sad really, they should be huge
Q: i am a makem and wen a first red this in ythe sunderland echo i was nearly in stitches good one well done ftm

A: Oddly enough, I can tell by your spelling that you are from Sunderland

*falls over laughing*

Q: does this mean a return of Sir Bobby ?

A: Right now, we'd even take Bobby Davros

*more laughing*