First time driver. Just bought a 2001 y reg micra 1.0 s

Hi im new. found this website on google yesterday.

Its Blue/Green Colour and its my first ever car. :) done 69,000 miles seems in good nick. MOT'd til Sep 13

its runs fine and that. the only thing that doesnt work is the radio display. the radio and tape player are fine, its just the LCD screen is completely blank. its not a major problem or anything just wondered if anyone else has had this problem or knows of a remedy to fix it?
I had same problem on mine... You might find if you put your fingers in the tape deck and wiggle the unit back and forth a bit the display will come on... Mine did the same but eventually the buttons stopped working too and you'd have to jiggle the unit while pressing the buttons until they worked... not advisable while you're driving... Best thing to do is put up with it for now till you get some money aside to buy a new radio...