Exhaust Recomendations


Ex. Club Member
I am basically fed up with my car being standard. 1996 1.0l Micra GX

I want to first of all start on the exhaust system. What would you guys recomend? I want the back box outlet to not be overly loud.

Any web links and advice would be greatly appreciated.

Birthday wednesday, Pay day thursday, Will start after this :D
One option is to find a Powerflow dealer, they will make you one that has a lifetime guarantee and they can make it as loud or quite as you want.
I would say Janspeed. Custom catback will cost £300ish. But suppose if you want something that little bit different it would be good.
i would reccommend someone to do it unless you have the correct equipment. it would be straight swap but you will be changing pipe diameter at the join.

not sure on postage i could find out but not till next week really as im very busy this coming week.