Does anyone speak german....

Basically the song is about 'Snappy the small crocodile' (Schnappi die klein crocodile). It just talks about what is happening to him in the video - like him breaking free from the egg etc.
lol i remeber this song! got to love the german's sense of humour and yes the do have one :p im hoping to move there in the near future lovely country :D

i neva said i was good at it but im sure ill be able to say a bit to you my mum knows more! her mum was german! i can speak bit of spainish aswell!
hey you mustnt go to germany... its boring there! :glance:
you must come to switzerland here you can speak german too and you can enjoy the nice country!

( except you live here.. its very expensive and the law is awful, we nearly cant do anything to our cars! )

schönen tach noch... :laugh:

sorry minds made up Fell in love with germany last time i went so thats were ill be off to eventually :D

and i dont think its boring, one word "autobahn" springs to mind :D