Cash Machine Query

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Just got an email from a mate saying the below

If you should ever be forced by a robber to withdraw money from an ATM
machine, you can notify the police by entering your PIN number in
reverse order. For example if your pin number is 1234 then you would put
in 4321.

The ATM recognizes that your pin number is backwards from the ATM card
you placed in the machine.

The machine will still give you the money you requested, but unknown to
the robber, the police will be immediately dispatched to help you.

This information was recently broadcasted on TV and it states that it is
seldom used because people don't know it exists.

Please pass this along to everyone possible.

Anyone else heard the above before and does anyone know if its true? or is it another hoax.
A long time ago I had a pin which was something like 1851, and because I had scribbled it on a piece of paper, the first time I used it I read it upside down! Entered it backwards of course.

No police showed up, so its poppycock.
Cheers for the link Daz!

If ever that situation arose, just enter the wrong pin, let it eat your card and then then you wouldnt have to wait 6 months for the police to follow it up! and you wouldnt be any worser financially either.

The mugger would probably let you find out what hospital food is like though!
and chances are, people would enter the wrong one by accident. There are alot of people out there who cant remember pins and passwords etc
Just give them the money. Your life isn't worth it. Most ATM's have 24 hr surveilence(sp) now anyway!!!