cannock cruzin gearbox BOOMM!


» CMF Member
Member since:
cruzin the streets of cannock in the uk is seriusly good fun when you have a k11 micra with custom bits,
people look and laugh at you,
but when 1.2 corsas wantr to race you and you win you get respect,
my micra is the only micra in staffordshire that dosent ither have a grandma driving or a pussy boy who keeps them standard,
my car is off the road atm coz last nite i had my gearbox blown up bad times,
but pretty soon i will be back causing caos with my mini monster good times,
i will try to get some more pics up soon of all my mods,
can you tell me where i can get splitters and whatnot from thanks


» CMF Member
Member since:
frank2 WROTE:

"jay<BR><BR>you might be best to fit the facelift 1.0 g/box (with 14" rims) because it,s got the 4.5:1 diff in, and it,ll better suit the 16" rims you have<BR><BR>frank

thankyou for your help frank :)
ill try and pick myself one up,