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  1. M

    Fox address needed

    Hi all, got a Fox Immobiliser on my Nissan Serena. Sorry its a Serena, my K11 is faultless. Its got a Headphone jack type key, which operates the immobiliser and its playing up. Does anyone have a phone number/web/address for Fox, please? Mike
  2. M

    Hot engine bay, is it normal?

    Thankyou kindly Does it effect my fuel consumption? Or overall performance? Is it worth putting air vent on bonnet? My Diesel Corsa would get sluggish when it got hot. Thats why I ask. :)
  3. M

    Hot engine bay, is it normal?

    Hi all, just noticed, the rainy weather has drawn my attention to my bonnet. I can see steam coming off my white bonnet, when I'm in traffic, say at the lights. Also when I park up, I can hear it make a tick, as though it got really hot. The Temp gauge shows cold at start and raises to mid way...
  4. M

    Cant remove speedo thing to fill with oil

    The whole week's been one hell of a mission, baby not due till Tuesday next week. Many Thanks again, Frank. Mike:)
  5. M

    Cant remove speedo thing to fill with oil

    Broken bit Hi frank, how are you sir? In behind the speedo cable is a bolt you need to undo, half of it got beat off!:( I had to give up beating it with hammer, and use a breather pipe and oil can to feed the oil in. I pumped like the clappers and filled it up. Put everything back together...
  6. M

    Cant remove speedo thing to fill with oil

    Hi, any ideas on hoe to remove speedo thing to fill gearbox with oil?The haynes manul shows guy using fingers. Ive beat with hammer.Wont budge help
  7. M

    Ideas on basic mods on budget!

    mpeg3 stick Dude, record your sound on a cheap 128mb mp3 player. I think you need a mechanical, (Meccano) arm setup to press the play button. You would need to know a reasonable spl of a real dump valve and then have an amplifier and loudspeaker capable of recreating the sound. SPL( sound...
  8. M

    Hi all

    Baby cheer Hi all, I had to stop stressing with the k11 and get my missus to hospital. C section later and my daughter and 2 sons have a sister. Now I got 2 of each. My mechanic carried on regardless, and has got the drive shafts ready to come out. Looks like he's going that route. Me...
  9. M

    clutch/flywheel guide

    Dipstick? He's still trying to put the gearbox back on!:laugh:
  10. M

    Hi all

    Hi moddedmicra I'm trying to upload a couple of pics. Imagehosting is as useless as ever. I dropped the front mount and the front of the x member, and then did the rear. Mike:)
  11. M

    Hi all

    Modded Micra do you have it bolted to engine then bolting to car or the other way around? Hi there. Are you meaning the x member? Its unbolted from the car, but still bolted to the engine. Mike:)
  12. M

    Hi all

    Hi Frank Been heaving and swearing all day, can't do no humping;), the missus is about to give birth, next week:) Seriously, this is beyond belief. It came out ok, you'd think it'd be easy going back, or as easy?? Thank you Mike:)
  13. M

    Hi all

    I heard that! Frank, its an unbelievable ****, to get it back on. Have aborted for now. My mechanic neighbor says he come back in the morning. He's on about undoing a hub for more movement! I've got the starter out and one part of the gear linkage off. Also, the cross member is disconnected at...
  14. M

    Hi all

    Not good Got clutch on, but can't get box back on. Apparently the splash plate is catching on a drive shaft, and the drive shafts need to be removed. Got a mechanic helping. Are we sure this is a good technique? Mike:(
  15. M

    Hi all

    Cheers Frank, will try that. Mike:)
  16. M

    Hi all

    Hi frank Does it really come undone with the drive shafts attached? I have the front wheels on bricks, not wood, assuming the wheels need to move a little. Would a prise it apart with a flat blade screwdriver? Cheers Mike
  17. M

    Hi all

    I'm following this thread to do a clutch change, Can't get box off, any ideas, please? Mike:)
  18. M

    Opinions on pipes(AIR INTAKE), please

    Okay, thanks guys. Mike:)
  19. M

    Car sounds like a chavs dream... any ideas please?

    What do you get, if you put a Chav on the moon? A problem. What do you get, if you put 2 Chavs on the moon? Twice the problem. What do you get, if you put all the Chavs on the moon? Problem solved :)
  20. M

    Opinions on pipes(AIR INTAKE), please

    Update I know your thinking, just read threads you find, but how many say, doing mods don't make any difference. Or "it improved hi rev range". Apparently, a particular size is optimum. Surely, not taking into account air filter change, staying with the standard, air is drawn in from behind the...