tytiiiore ? ? ? ? ? ? Random Posts?

oh not good!
Bit off the subject kev, but did you get my pm about the sticker colours?


Yes I did, sorry I didn't reply.

I'm really busy with work at the moment, I'm waiting on a new sticker order, once I have them your pack will go out.

Yes I did, sorry I didn't reply.

I'm really busy with work at the moment, I'm waiting on a new sticker order, once I have them your pack will go out.


Yeh no problem, i appreshiate your busy

cheers Kev (Y)

My bro designs and makes websites and thinks this forum should use 'image verification' on the log in, apparently stops spammers....just a thaught?

This kinda thing
http://blog.clickz.com/archives/img/Y verification.jpg
We did have and it will be back, we got hacked and lost some data.

We have a fair bit of work still to do on the forum to get it back to how it was before the hack, we are also now backed up far more often to avoid to such situations in the future.

there are many reason to hack, mostly hackers just do it, to prove there can, if i could hack, i think i would have fun. there then cant pick a popluar site used by millions, or there will get in trouble, so there pick a mild site, i mean how many people dont like mirca's. any thats just my two cents.
Yeh no problem, i appreshiate your busy

cheers Kev (Y)

My bro designs and makes websites and thinks this forum should use 'image verification' on the log in, apparently stops spammers....just a thaught?

This kinda thing
http://blog.clickz.com/archives/img/Y verification.jpg
We actually use an advanced form of image verification over the standard verification called ReCAPTCHA and it seems the spammers have even started to be able to get around that:

I am looking into further alternative methods though to try and stem the tide!
We actually use an advanced form of image verification over the standard verification called ReCAPTCHA and it seems the spammers have even started to be able to get around that:

I am looking into further alternative methods though to try and stem the tide!

My Bro said something about that too i think....is it something about helping rebuild old books by making out the words? or have i got the wrong end of the stick? lol