The Great Global Warming Swindle


» CMF Member
Member since:
Documentry from BBC which aired a couple of days ago.

CO2 change lags temperature change by ~800 years, i.e. change in temperature causes change in CO2

Changes in sun activity and clouds cause changes in temperature

Something that wasn't mentioned, Mars has also been experiencing the same Global Warming and I don't think we can blame the martians for generating CO2. The good old sun, who would have thought...


» CMF Member
Member since:
Great video mate. Thanks.

I still believe we're aiding global warming with the amount of greenhouse gases we release every day. HOWEVER I don't think we're the sole cause of it.

Unfortunately though when you turbocharge something you can break it..


» CMF Member
Member since:
I'm keen to check this out after work today..

Wouldn't surprise me at all.

We are really just a heap of little ants running around on this massive planet. As if we really know the true cause of anything.


» CMF Member
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Well lets skip another 1000 years into the future. If we keep consuming all the planets resources, do you think we can still blame it on the sun? And if people keep blaming the sun, how long will it be before the USA invades the sun, claiming it too, has WMDs?

What we need is a sun thats so hot, that it evaporates the acid rain (that will come from our polluting ways), before it reaches the ground. Then we truly can live in ignorance. Unlike now where we're only a bit ignorant :)


» CMF Member
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There's a big difference between CO2 emmissions & NOx emmissions.
Sure, in 1000 years there will be some resouces that will be depleted, as the price rises, substitues are found.



» CMF Member
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Yup. I support the global warming 'thing' because it will hopefully result in cutting down harmful particulate and toxic emissions. These are whats going to kill life before temperatures.

Life can evolve to different climates. That's no worries.

But of course the big worry is the sun. It has a lifespan just like earth. Its hard to tell what the sun will do because its a great big unstable reactor. You don't know what an unstable reactor is going to do.

Toma: Shsssshh. Don't give the americans any ideas about blowing up the sun :p :p


» CMF Member
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The sun is not an unstable reactor at all. The core of the sun is stable and has been for over 5 billon years. The different layers of the sun eg Radiative Zone and Convective Zone are where things get interesting. A photon (Light) takes up to 200,000 years to get from the core to the surface of the sun and then only 8 minutes to get to the earth. This energy is what drives the suns Sunspots, Solar Prominences and Solar Flares though huge magnetic field lines in the interior and is what can effect the earth. Thats a very basic run down on the sun but its not the cause of the earths problems right now. Humans are effecting the earth natural ballance and if you have not seen the movie "An inconvenience truth" then you should.

CMF_Family Hack

» CMF Member
Member since:
Well no worries. Eventually the sun will go super nova and burn our planet to a piece of carbon.We should all worship the sun. It created us and will eventually destroy us. No God will save us from this fate.
The life of our little planet for go to whoa is not even a fleeting nano second in what has gone before and what will go after us.
Mankind should appreciate what we have a do all we can to protect our fragile planet.
Greed, religion and ignorance get in the way.