Super S for sale black -40k 12 mnth MOT

no my red 1 i bough i posted up it had gearbox problems so i sold it on n lost out on 30 pound- cheaper than fixing it-lol

u want me to buy it for u gemma n u can pay it back to me ?-lol

sonic said:
I do feel sorry for you Gemma, you miss your car a lot don't you.

bet ill miss mine too but things have to move on eh! just so everyone knows, theres been about 30 people asking about the reserve so please expect LOTS of last minute bids, id sooner this didnt happen and it was a nice steady curve lol but hey if you want to bid please get one in early, so everyone knows the reserve is set at 700, id sooner it went for more, but hey.... someone will get a decent car for the money :blush: i sure hope its someone in this club :)

hmm someone local is considering offering cash for the car (i want 750 if he does), i was screwed over by a garage today so might need to accept his offer if it doesnt go over the reserve by this evening :down:
Gemma85 said:
2 much:blush:

well if it helps the reserve has been dropped to 610, i think people are lining up for last minute bidding, theres been like 30 requests for the reserve and 25 watchers none of whom have bidded yet :\ its sitting at 560, so first bit over 610 could get it!
dlongmu said:
well if it helps the reserve has been dropped to 610, i think people are lining up for last minute bidding, theres been like 30 requests for the reserve and 25 watchers none of whom have bidded yet :\ its sitting at 560, so first bit over 610 could get it!

2 hours left guys!! :laugh: someones getting a real steal :D
goldstar0011 said:
Sorry to laugh but I've used an excuse like that before!!

Can't you offer it to the 2nd highest bidder?

dnt do it again its a terrible excuse :p
yes but ive had no response from them now and im left with ruddy fees to pay!!!!