Modded UK

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Ex. Club Member
Hi just wondering if anyone is going to modded uk in kent??

Date: 21st - 23rd september 2007??:k10:
Is this at Detling again? If so, I'll probably be there as it's about 10 mins from my parents :)
I'll be there, only 10 minutes from where I live, I'll be there with Modified Rapture. Was ok last year, but this year should be bigger and better than before!!
im going, probably be with cmmoc, you wont be able to miss us in our orange and black shirts lol
Fordy, come over and see hi, you won't miss me!!! lol

Fingers crossed should have both motors up there, the Karaoke K11 and the Turbo Fried Onion!!!
Karaoke K11 is a must, i'll defo come over if thats going on at night lol

im going friday till sunday so i'll pop over some time
Thats better!!:p well ill be up there in my micra K10 super Black, so if you see me say hi!!

Is anyone else going up in a K10?? :k10: :k10: :k10:
me and mines going on a stand aswell, you will see me about the cmmoc stand in a orange and black shirt with fordy writen on it if you see me say hi
well my k11 shed will be there on the streetmodified stand.
but won't be there till saturday evening. got footie match to play first.
Well just a hand on the K11. Got plenty of help for the Orion!

When I say shed, I mean a super duper really nice looking shed ;)
Fordy told me about this when i was up at his.. Said if 5 cars from a club go then you get a stand.... well including me and my K10SS there must be enough micras for an MSC stand??? if so im coming!!!
Fordy told me about this when i was up at his.. Said if 5 cars from a club go then you get a stand.... well including me and my K10SS there must be enough micras for an MSC stand??? if so im coming!!!

modded uk is all about the fibreglass kits and so on so standard cars like most of msc are bodywork wise wont be any good, i'd take my kitted white one but its got no tax and other things arent on it

find a local car club mate and ask them if their going and go with them but not show the micra given its standard but its more a 2 day #### up event i recon.

even if you go for the day text me and i'll tell you where the stand im on is and then hang around with us for the day we got some funny characters in the club so will be alot of laughs
i'll check out how far away it is from me and see if i can go for the day. And hopefully a night too. Is there going to be any sort of action show like drag racing or something
modded uk is all about the fibreglass kits and so on

Likee mine :)

I got a little bit of interest last year with mine, was the only Micra there!

Last year was a bit weird, anyone could drive through the show area! So even if you weren't officially with a club you could just ask someone with a space and chuck your car there!! lol
Check out

Well ill b in a Black Micra K10 super, i'm 17 so look for someone quite young!

I'm coming up with a few mates, not alone this time like "fast fest" [edited]
just read they have a drag strip.. right... can i come on my bike?? thats V modded and a little quicker than my car LOL .. fordy can i park me bike on your stand?? it wont take up much room. :D
lol at the drag strip!!!

I wouldn't bother at it!!! It's 1/8th of a mile, up hill with a dip in the middle!!!

oh and then brake heavily before you crash in to a gate!!!
Unfortunately I won't be able to attend this any more as I am attending a funeral in Newcastle on Friday and staying the weekend. Sorry guys!
Unfortunately I won't be able to attend this any more as I am attending a funeral in Newcastle on Friday and staying the weekend. Sorry guys!

No problem jimbo! I'll be getting there on the friday at some point, not too sure when as I have to drive down to Dover to pick up a mate! But guess i'll be getting there around 6 and 7 friday evening. Plenty of time to start drinking :)

Karaoke anyone? ;)
well i'm leaving evesham at 12noon, to get there for the 3pm opening of the gates. lol.

to get a good spot for camping. lol
Well i cant make it, im far too skint and going have to do some extra work too get the bits i need for next month. Have fun guys and bring me back lots of pics!
Have a good time guys, Ollie will on our clubs stand, modified-rapture, no doubt there let you join them for a party!
haha that was a good weekend!!!!:p

nice to see fordy's micra there! think it was 72bhp or something on the rolling road!! nice!:)

Lots of nice cars as well, i got lots of photos!!
nice to see fordy's micra there! think it was 72bhp or something on the rolling road!! nice!:)

hahaha if you saw that you should of come over to me and said hello chap since i was the one wearing a black and orange shirt with fordy writen on it lol

did anyone see the white k10 with the bonnet vent on it across from the rolling road? i only noticed it today but didnt go look around it. is the owner on here maybe?
well i first saw the car on the stand, but didn't know if it was someone on here, then realized when u got on the rolling road.

didnt see the white micra

had my k10 there but it was in the camp site all the time!:(
I think i saw your motor fordy!

I have to say that was the worst "ORGANISED" event i have ever been too! It took us 2 hours to get from the a249 (the main road by the show ground) on to our pitch! We asked every member of staff where our pitch was and no one helped, no one cared! It was a shambles in that sense!!!! We were not informed of a time when all cars had to be in, when our club booked up we were not told that all cars had to be at 10:30, this didn't happen last year. On the Saturday, we had half of our stand in the public car park because they weren't allowed in!

We just spent the weekend wasted! Lucky i was only 10 minutes down the road otherwise i would have been really peeved!!! The event itself was ok, just badly organized, it does have a lot of potential, but needs sorting out!

Our pics are here if anyone wants a butch:
organisation or lack of imo, the convoy i went with circled the show 5 times before we found the far back stands behind the fuel stand etc even then the stand was still hard to find
that code system was crap! tickets would have been better like modified nationals!

got there at 3.01, gates just opened, got parked up at 4.30!:p
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