k12 with Intelligent Key remote start question


I got K12 2007 Micra 1.4 with Intelligent Key.

Can any one please help me to figure out about possibility to install any alarm with remote start?

I'm from Ukraine and local Nissan dealer can't offer me nothing.
I have tried to find something over internet, found some immobilizer bypasses, but I can't figure out which one will fit my Micra.

i have tried to enquire about aftermarket alarms before but most places i have asked do not seem to know how to install an alarm that will work with the intelligent system.
The Nissan dealers here in the UK do have a Cat 1 alarm on offer for our k12s at a cost of £300+.
you should try to ask if your dealer is willing to get parts from europe or something.

sorry i couldnt be more helpful
thanks :)

can you please find out brand and model of this alarm? I will try to purchase it by myself and ask local nissan dealer to install it.

Also I have read that MICRA K12, all engines has NATS (Nissan Anti Theft System) version 6.5, and this version is CAN bus based.

so I guess any CAN enabled alarm, or CAN enabled bypass module can help. But my explorations of internet was unsuccessfull :(
I guess my English is not good enough to make correct search engine inquiry.