K11 internal light fuse?

my k11's internal light doesn't work.
obviously, the primary cause would be the bulb, but the other thing I wanted to check was the fuse.
I've spent hours pouring over various fuse diagrams, and I can't find where the fuse the internal light runs through.
if there even is one, does anyone know where it is?
the cig lighter one i think it might be just pull them all out one at a time and check :p

if it's the cig lighter fuse, that narrows things down, since I know for certain that one works.
I'll have to check the bulb next chance I get, maybe replace it with an LED version while I'm at it.
Did you work out what it was?

I have a similar problem, checked the fuses and they all seem OK. A friend said sometimes a bulb looks fine but can have a tiny fault so I've ordered a LED bulb that was about £4 I'll update if that fixes it for me.
Mine doesnt work either and all my fuses are intact but as i was taking the case of it to pull the bulb out thinking it was that it started working, so i put the plastic cover back on it and stopped again so im guessing its loose wiring