Has anybody try evans waterless coolant

I was thinking for putting in my turbo micra
evans waterless coolants
It got no water in the coolant
Have anyone try the coolant
Wouldn't touch it with a very large pole.

I bet you need more octane rating to run the stuff in a performance engine. Even though they say it has less nucleate bubble formation, the lower thermal properties will all but negate any benefits from this directly. In fact, I bet it runs hotter, especially in the cylinder head, which is where it really matters.

Good luck getting a car on track with this stuff in the block also. It's prohibited from most race tracks becuase it's flammable. Not something I wish to have flashing around my engine waiting to spew out at at or above it's documented flash point.

Large pole I tell you!!
Handy if your head gasket blows , you fill the chamber with a flammable liquid and give it some air & spark!

LOL! I'm sure many benefit from it. Afterall it's a company that's been around a while, so must have enough of a following.

For me it has more potential for issues than a plain water/glycol mix that make it completely un-feasible.