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  1. C

    no notifications for new posts....

    ive been posting a topics and thought wow no one answers any more, when then i looked around and saw that people actualy posted replies, only i wasnt notified....
  2. C

    Factory Bolt-on modifications for the Micra...

    it would be nice to see some photos of these modifications or even a bit more info about them... however they do sound nice...
  3. C

    Factory Bolt-on modifications for the Micra...

    it would be nice to see some photos of these modifications or even a bit more info about them... however they do sound nice...
  4. C

    rev speedo conversion...

    ive seen somewherer that some models had a rev meter... mine dosent... how much would the conversion cost...? total...
  5. C

    automatic transmision conversion

    how much would it cost...? if it has to be a new gearbox, could you choose the gear ratios...? if it used, how much would it cost...? my micra is a 1.0l 2000 model
  6. C

    no comment...

    has anyone seen this... if not drive safely...
  7. C

    handbrake stuck!!!!

    today (after about a month of just starting the car and leaving it on idle for a few minutes every 2-3 days) we decided to take the car for a wash. when we tried to go though we found out that the right wheel at the back was stuck... we tried go ing bak and forward to lossen it but nothing...