help...need a part...


» CMF Member
Member since:
Yeah i just spoke to the guy that did my airbox. He is interested in making them up. He said it is only a small job i am giving him mine this week prob tomorrow and he will make one up if you like it let me know.

CMF_Geoff W

» CMF Member
Member since:
Please update when you know costs... I will most likely be interested if the price is reasonable with postage to Newcastle NSW.

Mine is not broken...yet but a nice thing to have in preparation for any unforseen accidents with leaning on it and the like.

CMF_Geoff W

» CMF Member
Member since:
I'll say... cause I'm just dying to have something else in the engine bay to polish :p Speaking of which I must get to doing that very soon... otherwise I will have wasted my money on the polishing of the rocker cover.


» CMF Member
Member since:
tis for some and not for others i guess. I personally dont mind giving the rocker cover and air box a quick rub once a week when i wash the car. Dont take long.