Colin McRae at the X-GAMES!



I caught wind that there are some McRae fans in here and thought I'd post the video of him performing at the X - GAMES!

It's one of the most fantastic mistakes I've ever seen him make, watch near the end of the video:

I saw the first video of this on the TV and it showed a better angle. You can actually see him correcting the angle of the wheels while he's upside down in the roll to compensate for when the wheels touch the ground again!!! Awsome!

He came in 2nd but only by 1.5secs! I guess if he never rolled it he would have won! :laugh:

Have a wee gander at it! ENJOY!

bloody good drive though!

didnt think rallying was that popular in america but the crowd seemed to enjoy it....YEAH YEAH MAN....oh and NICE (when he drifted around the corner)
Yeah, I loved the crowed getting rowdy when he started to drift around those sweepers! :laugh:
Bloody American crowd, they probably think all rallying involves rolling your cars around hairpins! (not being racist or anything)
Poor McRae, I think it must have been a mixture of luck, skill and balls to get out of that one! ;)
It's a cool video, I like it!

Arnold said:
Great video!! just casually rolling and carrying on. Great stuff

Thats McRae for you. Crashed his Legacy about 3 times on the Finnish rally away back in like 1992. Once rolled it about 6 times and even chopped a tree in half, left about 10ft of a stump,lol. Carried on, although the car looked like a pickup.
classic! i love rally tounies although i think richard burns was the better driver (cut down in his prime :( )

Anyone got a picture of the Ford Focus WRC that McRae rolled, lost the front and rear bumpers, the bonnet was strapped on with toe rope and the becase the rollcage didn't cover the back end when it rolled it crushed the rear boot - the car looked like a 206cc Mad Max style! LOL

he is a true trooper :D

Where are the X games held?
McRae crashed alot of cars,lol ;)

This is a good pic though, stupid Ford :p
