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  1. C


    I have it only in Russian but hope will be helpful! It says that it have to be 0.5 Om when the suction valve is closed and 4 Om when it is opened. You have to do measurements when the engine is off. 1. Remove the connection. 2. Then measure tension both ways: open and close suction valve. 3. If...
  2. C

    Last three Posts

    cisco! thank You very very much!!!
  3. C

    Last three Posts

    Thank YOU for support! Hope that this will lead to something good!
  4. C

    Last three Posts

    Please! If there are some moderators please delete this CRAP! It has nothing to do with that place where You make very important for Micra owners post! And If I`m not wrong this F****G crap is OUTLAW! Thanks in advise! New member that will be pleased to read about wonderful Micra and not to...