Recent content by Tomy 867

  1. Tomy 867

    Junior hotrod

    It depends on the class and a few bits such as if u can do all the work yourself, my car didnt cost to much to build, i done most of the work bar the wiring myself which was 600e, i had some bits and all i really paid for was paint and stickers which where another 200-300 so it wasnt to dear but...
  2. Tomy 867

    Junior hotrod

    Thanks dougledds
  3. Tomy 867

    Junior hotrod

    Thanks r-reg-sr , serious downforce lol
  4. Tomy 867

    Junior hotrod

  5. Tomy 867

    Junior hotrod

  6. Tomy 867

    Junior hotrod

  7. Tomy 867

    Junior hotrod

  8. Tomy 867

    Junior hotrod

  9. Tomy 867

    Junior hotrod

  10. Tomy 867

    Junior hotrod

  11. Tomy 867

    Junior hotrod

  12. Tomy 867

    Junior hotrod

  13. Tomy 867

    Junior hotrod

  14. Tomy 867

    Junior hotrod

  15. Tomy 867

    Junior hotrod
