What have i missed??



Ok so since coming back from holiday ive been really busy and havent spent much time online and ive come on msc n theres like 9000 posts for me to look through so wondered if someone could give me an update of what has happened lately? i.e. members and whos been banned, cars and any updates, BBQ??, Dans car etc....
5 people where banned, 4 permanate bans, one a week ban. at the scottish meet babyboom wrote off k11ss car and they all went threw a solid red light iirc.

i think someone started a fire in the electronic section but its still on going lol
hughes_16v said:
at the scottish meet babyboom wrote off k11ss car and they all went threw a solid red light iirc.

Last time I spoke to Stephen all the car needed was new shocks. Also only 1 went through a red, and it just changed as they got to it.
ah well, good to see there has been a bit of chaos when i went, i can imagine the four who have been banned although i am curious to know whos is the week one? sorry to hear bout the accident and im confused bout Gemma's car
Ben said:
ah well, good to see there has been a bit of chaos when i went, i can imagine the four who have been banned although i am curious to know whos is the week one? sorry to hear bout the accident and im confused bout Gemma's car

lol so am I ben :( Its a heap of crap needs quite a bit work to get it up to scratch especiually with it throwing bolts away at 80mph on moterways
ah you see, gradually i am painting a picture of what happens, takes a lot of time to getthe full picture when you been away for a month! Sorry to hear that, and also sorry to hear ur car is poo, get a Focus, they rock! lol no seriously dont! Whats wrong with the new one? where u get it from? details
she ran the white one into the back of a shogan, her dad got her a 1.2 4gear clio which she moaned about constantly, so she bought martin (cant remember forum name)'s super s. when we were half way up the a72, the gear box fell to pieces and nearly killed the pair of us. it needs clutch, cross members and tyres.

i told her so
ah here, that car was a shed! I cant believe she bought that, what a moron!!! I think some of the parts on that car were off my old k11, silly girl - scrap it and get something else :D
Ben said:
ah here, that car was a shed! I cant believe she bought that, what a moron!!! I think some of the parts on that car were off my old k11, silly girl - scrap it and get something else :D

Lol Ben is on a tell everyone to scrap their cars mission. :p
mean micra said:
ok Ben one for you...
what happened to the BIG in bigben? you have an accident or something? lol

this conversation took place many moons ago, get up to date geez your like so behind with the times girlfriend:

nah seriously, just fancied a change, had it changed on all the forums im on :D and Dan in fairness i honestly 100% believe with my heart you shoudl scrap yours, not so much with Gemma
personally i thought Martin was (as the saying goes) sound as a pound but just looking at the car you could tell it had been ragged all over, do you mind me asking how much you paid??