Name the Micra


Micra K11ng
Right - Name the Micra competition!

I'm the judge (although its Ians car!!), and there is no prize! lol

Ian has jst finished his SR20 Conversion into his K11, and now it needs a name. Now this is a job for more than two people so lets hear your suggestions!

Titch :kungfu:


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A wolf in micras clothing,
Cross dressing pulsar,
Granny car on E's,
Micra with an sr20det conversion done by raceworx....?
chie... we could run with your idea and call it the red barron and have a huge swaztika on the bonnet?

cheers rik :) its got a nice ring to it i think
i like the simple Micra SR20 - or depending on how much it's pushing out you could call it summat like the Micra "XXX" (that being the BHP rounded to the nearset tenth - like vauxhall did with the vectras.

or how about "VTS-K" - K being for killer!
Micra Machine - as in micro machines the little car things
The one that pulled away (as apposed to the one that got away)
Pocket rocket
Micra Gtir
Micra 150sr (or more if need be, lol)
'The daddy'
I first thought 'SRT' for some reason, then thought it'd be good 'cos people'd just go 'What the ****?' at it. Then I decided that WTF was better.


A Micra WTF. :suspect:/fwn/:laugh: (delete as applicable)

Marvel at the number of people thinking it's some kind of WRX style derivative (well, there were rally Micras) and watch them stand around, heads a-scratching, trying to work out what the T and F stand for :grinning: