I'am coming back...


Ex. Club Member
iam on the look-out for another 1.3 k11 again! think ive found one (Y) top of the range aswell.

quick story.

after selling my silver si, i soon brought a 106 gti....everything went wrong after a month! so i ended up back in my mk3 polo for awhile. ended up selling that and buying a suzuki swift 1.3 8v.... that also then broke! throttle body issuse, injector packed up, changed the throttle body 3 times, it ran for a few months then did the same grr

so that ended up going for scrap, and here I'am :p

5th micra's a charm??? i hope so lol.
Welcome back (Y). I hear that when someone leaves the world of Micras, they don't really leave forever. They come back eventually :laugh: