why will my lights work?????


Direct Detailing UK
my headlights can be turned on fully or even full beam without the keys even being in the ignition. the brake lights are the same. are urs the same????
yea it's for things like if you're towing a car then the essental systems still work if you don't have the keys.

also you can use the lights to light something up and lock the doors so people don't steal your car.

if you check in the highway code there are lots of times when your supposed to use those systems without the keys in the car....
alright then.....

when you are parked on at the side of the road at night in a place with no street lighting and your car is facing towards oncoming traffic then you are supposed to leave your side lights on so people know your car is there.

if you have to move an abandoned car with no keys in it the brake lights still work so that people know you're stopping even if the engine isn't running. i had the same thing on my bike when the engine failed and i was free wheeling home.

the headlights are ment to stay on specifically for late night raves in the woods, and you can still lock your car up so some p1ss head doesn't get in and release the hand brake......

all good :)
i wasnt questioning the reasoning. i was questioning why the question in the first place. i thought this would be a known thing to everyone.
hehe yea, i think i remember the instructor saying something about it in the test so i would have thought it was mandatory.

and i would have thought the beeping would be a clue lol :)
i don't think it would have past it's MOT.....

but it's nothing to worry about.

the beep should stop you from leaving the lights on and flattening your battery and as long as you don't leave anything on the brake peddle you should be ok :)