Transmission fluid change



Im wanting to change the transmission fluid on my 2001 K11.

Could some kind person have a look in their manual or Heynes (I have neither) at what grade I use and how much it takes.

Also a confirmation of the drain/fill plug(s) would be awesome.

Many many thanks in advance!!

You're lucky, I just happen to have my Haynes next to me, with all the moving house etc I have most things in my room lol!

Manual Transmission: Gear oil, viscosity SAE80, to API GL4

Also the Haynes says this about the filler plug:
Good old Mr. Haynes ;) said:
[The filler plug] is on the front face of the transmission. The oil level should reach the lower edge of the filler/level hole. A certain amount of oil will have gathered behind the filler/level plug and will trickle out when it is removed; this does not necessarily indicate that the level is correct. To ensure that a true level is established, wait until the initial trickle has stopped, then add oil as necessary until a trickle of new oil can be seen emerging. The level will be correct when the flow ceases; use only good-quality oil of the specified type
The drain plug would be on the underside I'd imagine :) Also the Haynes recommends applying sealant to the drain plug thread before refitting

Hope this helps,