Simonh's Festival Park Cruise

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Midlands Rep
i thought after the great turnout on the girst of march at tamworth i would try and organise another meet. maybe in june or may. the place is festival park in staffordshire. and it will be a sunday evening. the cruise will probably last from around 6pm until midnight. festival park is basically a massive industrial park where on every sunday night they boys come out and play. i went recently in a mates fiesta. i was expecting a chav fest. but i was shocked. not just corsas and saxos. there weres cosworths and evos and stupidly quick small cars. i saw no micras though. i think maybe we should show up one night and show the world we mean business and earn some respect. i will go again in my micra and get some pictures so you can see the incredible scale of these meets in general.
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