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Jolley Mirca

So it's been awhile since I've updated this... can't say much to be honest.
I have however bought, march turbo front and rear bumpers I believe they are.

Needs a little clean up and maybe paint it matt black again.

And I'm also thinking of upgrading the front seats but cannot make my mind up, so I thought I'd put the 2 options I have down and see what everyone thinks.

Seat number 1
Seat number 2
So jelous ive wanted one of those bumpers for ages man :( lol
Me too. It's taken me a long time to find it in this country and I only managed to buy it due to a friend living not to far from it's location, otherwise I wouldn't of been able to get it. Waiting for my friends to visit and drop off the bumpers to me, so I don't have them yet but they are paid for :p can't wait to put them on the car.
Get em washed and put on :D

I'm putting a pair of my old spots in the indicator location on my next ones :)
Making em pop-in/pop-out depending what I'm doing