Fuel filler pipe

Hey folks, my blue girl is leaking fuel from the filler pipe.
Anybody done this job (?) remove, and replace.
Any pointers welcomed :D
health and safety zed :)
just remove the plastic cover then 2 x 10mm bolts iirc davy, slacken the jubilee and yank :)
Hey Frank - thanks for that....hope you're well mate.
I won't be doing reggies suggestion - it will only make the hole bigger, and singe my tache :rolleyes:
On a side note, mine has began to leak so are the ebay £55 jobbies any good or just try to find a good one in the scrappy? Any difference in the the preface and 2002 models?
Tis £55 Ebay or no way!

Apply the seven P s of success.

Fuel spouts transform into filigree at this age & scrap ones would not wear removal & reinstalling without turning into colanders? :eek:
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