Convert a Pao to left hand drive.

How hard would it be to convert a RHD Pao to LHD? I don't own one, nor have I seen the steering or suspension so have no clue. All I've seen it the interior. Looking at your cars, do you think its possible with whats there? Post pictures of the steering system if possible. Thank you
Posting it here since no one is alive in the Pao Group
The Facebook PAO group is really active if you want a lot of people to chime in. It's possible. There are a couple people on the forum that have them converted. One was from the Philippines. It would be a serious job, I would think having to modify the dash. It's a K10 Micra platform and the K10 was sold in left hand drive countries, even in Canada. I would assume if you had a loner K10, mechanically you could switch the steering rack and column. You would also have to move the brake booster and lines, throttle cable, speedometer. Fabricating the dash...