
Quantum Physics Homework Help: Radiations Types

Experimental investigations have proved that the radiations emitted by radioactive elements consist of three kinds, depending upon their ability to penetrate matter. According to help with homework experts one kind of radiations with least penetrating power (i.e. the one which would stop first) was named Alpha rays.

The other kind with a comparatively larger penetrating power was called Beta rays.

The last kind with maximum penetrating power was called Gamma rays. It should be clearly noted that all the three types of radiations need not necessarily be emitted by one radioactive element.

Nature of , β, γ rays

A number of attempts were made to study the nature of , β, γ rays. The sample of a radioactive element (say, radium) is placed in a small cavity drilled in a lead block. The lead block checks all the , β and most of the γ rays, except those through the opening. The radiations coming out of the cavity are subjected to an electric field provided by two plates. The rays are deflected through smaller angles towards the negative plate. According to the β rays are deflected through larger angles towards the positive plate. The γ rays remain undeflected. As opposite charges attract each other, it was concluded that rays consist of a stream of positively charged particles, whereas β rays consist of a stream of negatively charged particles. Further analysis failed to detect any charges on γ rays, therefore, were obtained when these were subjected to the action of a magnetic field.

Some of the important properties of the three types of radiations (, β, γ rays) are discussed below:


1. An particle carries double in the positive charge of proton, which is equal to the charge on the helium nucleus.

2. Mass of an particle is roughly four times that of hydrogen atom i.e. it is equal to the mass of helium nucleus.

The above two properties establish that an particle is equilivalent to helium nucleus (or a helium atom which has lost its two orbital electrons i.e. a doubly ionised helium atom).


3. The velocity of particles ranges between 1.4 × 107 ms-1 to 2.1 × 107 ms-1, depending upon the source emitting it.

4. Because of large mass, the penetrating power particles is very small, it being 1/100 times that due to β rays and 1/10,000 times that due to γ rays. particles can be easily stopped by an aluminium sheet, only 0.02 mm thick.

5. Because of large mass and large velocity, particles have large ionizing power. Each particle produces thousands of ions before being absorbed.

6. The range of particles in air (distance through which they can travel in air) depends upon the radioactive source producing it. At normal pressure in air, the range of particles varies from 3 to 8 cm.

7. particles produce fluorescence in certain substances like barium-platinocyanide and zinc-sulphide.

8. particles affect photographic plate slightly.

9. particles are deflected by electric and magnetic fields.

10. particles are scattered while passing through thin metal foils. Most of the particles are scattered at small angles, but a few of them are scattered at an angle more than 90˚ also.

11. particles cause burns on human body.

12. particles on being stopped produce heating effect.

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