Janspeed decat

Few questions for anyone really:

Will this fit on my K11? 1.0
Are they Legal? i.e. will i get stopped for having it on / pass MOT etc?
Will it make my exhaust noisier
Are they hard to fit?
hard to fit? depends on the person fitting it i supose,,:)
makes the car louder ,,yes
not legal if it doesnt pass mot,,but as nitesite sed ,his passed so his is legal
is it for k11? looking at his info it says he owns a k11 so im guessing it does 1.0l or 1.3 no difference i dont think
yeah cheers guys, spoke to Bod who had one on n will be keeping my eye on it i think, should be able to fit it myself i think - might give the car more of a rumble and it should pass Mot as its summit to do with secondary cat not primary one ( or so says Bod) i dont have a clue on that side of things
it'll pass with the standard manifold on as this has the primary cat. the secondary cat was a selling point with the clean green advert for the cg engines. after 2000 nissan removed it anyway so should be fine.

it should fit both 1.0 and 1.3 if its janspeed.

sorry for hijacking ya thread also rallybunny. :)

it was wen my car blew up,,i called the tuners out to see wot the problem was,he did all his little checks etc(to make it look like he did something other than tel me my engine is no good!)and he did the emissions test and it passed so i dunno how,maybe cos the car was burnin oil?but he sed that wont effect the sensor they shuv up the backbox