deNs! question about your sub+ parcel tray?


» CMF Member
Member since:
Gday deNs, very close to installing a parcel tray where my back seats are and I really want to attach a sub also. Just thinking, how did you attach your tray and sub so they dont move and bouce when you drive?


» CMF Member
Member since:
I'll grab you some pics soon, though i've wanted to hold off until it's finished before posting pics.

Essentially what my sub is, is a QMAX Invisibass 6. It's a 6.5" sub in a Ported and carpteted enclosure. It's got a wooden frame around it with neoprene padding so it doesn't transmit vibrations too much, and is held firmly between that and the top panel, which also has neoprene on it.

I can draw up a cad drawing pretty quick so i'll do that in a short while if i've got time.

Also, you could've just posted the question in the thread with all the progress :p
