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  1. vixen_fix

    Insufficient priveleges to sell stuff :(

    How do I go about getting the privelege? Have to have been posting for so long etc? Ta :)
  2. vixen_fix

    Subaru Justy in a K11...?

    Had a quick scan around today and seen some marvellous conversion ideas. Can anyone link me up to this conversion completed or just say it's not possible...but then again...anything is possible ;)
  3. vixen_fix

    Justy into Micra...?

    ;) Can't delete the thread! Meant to post this in K11 spot. Dur.
  4. vixen_fix

    Steel wheel nuts on alloys?

    Got some 13'' Nissan fondmetal alloys and was tempted to just whack 'em on with the steel wheel nuts but got horror stories in the noggin putting me off. Doable or potentially dangerous? Cheers :)
  5. vixen_fix

    Breaking Moomin... :(

    Good evening chaps and chapettes, I would like to introduce myself and ones wee Micra, Moomin. Bought for £165, MOT'd and passed for a hefty total of £60 (track rod end replaced) and taxed 6 months n we're rockin! Second car and second licence after having it revoked back in '09 and...